How to create engaging, informative, and shareable SEO-optimized content for a website.

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Strategy inn

Wish to get hands on a few promising tips for engaging content? Keep reading.

With the oversaturation of content, it is important to produce compelling content that will stand you apart from the crowd and gauge the audience. To help you create engaging, informative and shareable content for a website we have curated a blueprint! 

Scroll to the headings below to unfold the mystery behind producing incredible content for website.

Engaging content and why you NEED it:

Content that is spicy enough to hook its readers, drives them to engage with it, and take a particular action, is engaging content. SEO-optimized content creation is necessary to give a good representation of your idea. It makes it more comprehensible for the readers. Especially, if it’s engaging, it will create retaining readers which means a specific part of your audience will come again and again just for your content! 

How to create gauging content for a website:

Use images and videos:

Most people understand stuff better through visuals. Not just images, make videos explaining your content. Add images with keyword tags. Keep your reader’s attention span unified.

Visuals may include GIFS, videos, graphs, images, etc.

Create paragraphs and heading:

Simple, bold, and curiosity-filled headings and subheadings are bound to catch the reader’s attention. Try to create paragraphs as plain text may come off as too long to the readers and they tend to skip long reads. I mean don’t we all want maximum information in fewer words?

“Create content in a format that is suitable to the needs and expectations of Google’s user for the question they have asked.”Jason Barnard, Founder of Kalicube

Use a friendly tone:

Building a rapport with your viewers or reader is essential to keep them gauged. Talk to them as if you have always known them, be sweet and understanding. Genuinely address their problems and give them what you think is the best solution.

Create a visually appealing layout:

Anything that is eye-catching and really appeals will definitely grab attention. Present your website or visuals in the best way possible.

Make sure to add testimonials:

We, humans, have tribal instincts. Reading a good review about something drives us to try it out for us too with the hopes of having the same amazing experience as the user who left a good review.

Adding testimonials will give a promise of quality and experience to your audience. 

Keep up with the latest social media trends:

Almost everyone these days has an account on at least one of the social media platforms. Every day there is a new viral trend. People who put these trends to good use are the ones who benefit the most from social media.

Lastly, add a call to action:

Direct them to take a particular action, such as following you on your socials, signing up for an e-book, buying a product, etc.

Diversify your content. Different types of content will attract a diverse audience! Diversity in content works the same way flavors work for our tongues.

To learn more about content creation, make sure to check out



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