
What is the power of SEO backlinking strategies for search engine optimization?

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Here is the secret to boosting rank!

Google brings changes to its algorithm every now and then which makes it hard to maintain the same strategies over a period of time. However, backlinks seem to survive this storm of new updates by google every time. This makes backlinks a relatively reliable method for SEO success.

What are backlinks?

Its External link website is present on a different website.  In other words, when a fancy clothes site links to a site comparing different types of fabric, the credibility of the latter site increases. These are inbound or incoming links linking one site to another. They point to your site and bring traffic from the other site. It results in better ranking, better traffic, increased brand awareness, and improved ranking!

Types of backlinks:

They are two types:

DoFollow backlinks: These links carry value and pass them. They are often termed link juice. They inform the google crawlers to follow this link. They basically tell you it’s a good, trustworthy link and aid in increasing your rank. They improve credibility.

NoFollow backlinks: These work opposite to Dofollow backlinks. They don’t pass any value (juice)  or authority to the linking site. They inform search engines to not follow the link and do not help to rank your page.

Why backlinks are important?

Backlinks for SEO create the authority for your site and make sure that search engine sees them as trustworthy. It tells them that your site is good enough that it receives many clicks. In short, they vouch for your content and increase its worth. Backlink building strategy is a key to success in SERPs (Search engine result pages).

Backlinks directly bring you more audience. It will boost your page rank and increase your visibility. Your reach will start going higher for all the good reasons. Effective backlinks can never go out of trend for SEO success.

“The best source of a link is a website that is both considered authoritative and relevant to your website.”-Helen Pollitt, Lead SEO at Arrows Up.

Now, how can you take your backlink game up a notch? 

Creating great quality and genuinely informative content is the only way to climb this ladder. Only this way the dominant websites will be willing to give links linking to your site. However, we have compiled a few steps to get you ahead.

Comprehensive guides made with sound research

Create detailed guides which carry authentic information and have profound research to back it up. Generally, content with over 3000 words tends to do better at getting more backlinks than those with lesser word counts. It is because this long form of written content carries way more information and is worth spending a few minutes on. 

Engaging with other bloggers

You can do this by connecting to them through comments. Now don’t just go around putting your backlink. Leave a relevant comment on their blog. You can share your thoughts, opinions, or how you found the blog helpful. Build up a discussion and naturally add your backlink.

Use statistics:

Invest time in finding the correct information. Collect all the relevant survey reports, statistics, expert insights, and expert insights. Incorporate them into your content and showcase your content’s worth and value. This will help you in generating quality backlinks in no time.

Lastly, Visuals play a good role in getting backlinks, make sure to add illustrations and infographics. The authoritative websites will love it as your well-written content will not just have written information but will also be equipped with high-quality graphics to make your content easier to comprehend.To discuss further SEO backlinking strategies, you can book yourself a free-of-cost consultation call only at The  Strategy Inn.



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