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How to Optimize Your Facebook Ads for Maximum Conversions

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

If you’re a beginner, you might have watched a couple of YouTube videos on ad optimization for maximum conversions before you arrived here, but it was just a matter of time that your plan (which included tracking your conversion with the infamous meta pixel) was already busted before it was even put into action – thanks to the 2021 IOS 14.5 update on IDFA, and Google’s plans of eradicating third-party cookies – however, things have only gotten complicated but not impossible.

Tracking ad conversions

Tracking ad conversion helps you retarget your audience, and optimize your Facebook ads. There are two ways to track your conversions:

  1. Using a conversion tracker: Use Facebook’s Half-dead conversion tracker, and Meta pixel; Advice: manually choose your precious 8 conversion events. 
  2. Addition of google UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tracker in the URL

Nevertheless, conversion tracking is not all about your conversions, there are multiple other factors of an ad that could help you optimize your ads for maximum conversions.

  • Ad formats

Ad formats, although seemingly insignificant, have a huge impact on the conversions and reach of your ad. Especially during the golden age of reels. It is observed that viewers are more engaged with video formats of the ads compared to the other formats like slideshows, carousels, and images, as the statistics from databox (insert link here lol) shows that 52% of the marketers leverage video ads in comparison to images. And also, it’s somewhat “trendy”. 

However, in contradiction, videos are not for everything, as it depends on what your ad is for. For example, let’s say you are advertising for something with quite a lot of details, now one disadvantage of video advertising is the short attention span of the new generation of Facebook users, so here benefits the other formats of ads.

Still, in the end, the best advice would be to test different formats for yourself and look out for the one resulting in the most conversions.

  • Restyling 

If you’ve advertised for a sought-after product you were 100% confident in, but all it got was views rather than all the conversions you expected along the views from it, then you might want to consider restyling your ad, as well as your landing page.  Here are a couple of things to consider while analyzing your old design, and constructing a new one. 

  1. Was your ad user-friendly? 

Now what being ‘user friendly’ refers to is that the user doesn’t have to spend half of their day trying to figure how where exactly the CTA – call-to-action – button is. 

  1. Was your ad within the attention span of most of the users? Was it direct?

If your ad wasn’t concise and more straightforward, considering what I mentioned above about their attention span, the viewers are more likely to get annoyed rather than interested in your ad. 

  1. Was it visually appealing?

It is important that not only your ad is straight to the point and short, but also it is visually appealing since it is more engaging due to the nature of humans. 

  1. ….. And MOST importantly, is there any difference in the atmosphere of your ad and your landing page?

Ads are, in other words, ‘trailers’ of your website. They are responsible for the first impression on the user of your website, so having two completely different atmospheres for your ad and land page is sort of “a betrayal” to the user. It is as if you offer someone a blueberry candy, but you give them the apple-flavored candy instead, thinking it is still a candy ultimately. It immediately makes the user lose interest in your brand. The atmosphere can be affected by numerous things, the most obvious one being the color palette. 

Testing new strategies 

If your ad conversion rate has plummeted out of blue, maybe it’s time to test a different strategy. Who knows, you might hit a jackpot with your new strategy. 

Lastly, Choosing the wrong objective 

As unlikely as it sounds, it is still quite common for people to choose the wrong objective (especially beginners!). You might have gotten inclined to choose “traffic” as you’re objective believing your ad page will get more views, well it is correct, but you reading this article clearly tells only getting views was for sure NOT your objective. So if that’s the case, you should change your objective to “conversion” which might be EXACTLY what you aimed for. 

“People don’t just hear about your business by accident, you make that happen”

Lastly, If you need help with Facebook ads, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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