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Facebook Ads VS Google Ads, Which one is right for your business?

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

When it comes to digital marketing, there are no better platforms than Facebook and google. When you start a business you are confused between Google and Facebook, which one to use, and which will be more beneficial to your business. To begin with, it simply depends on what type of business you have. For example, if your business is a part of the fashion industry, marketing your products on Facebook will be more helpful. On the other hand, if your business includes products or services, there is nothing better than google.

Both of the platforms have so much in common, and both can lift your business. But here we will see the differences between them and decide what is better for your business. 

1) Your campaign’s objective

What is your campaign based on? If you are looking for more sales, then Google ads are a better option. Google Ads is ideal for demand capture, meaning reaching users having purchase intent. Google uses a keyword to place your ads, so if someone searches for something like boots and you are selling boots, Google will place your ad in their search. 

On the other hand, if you are looking for brand popularity or awareness then Facebook is the way to go, as it is a social media and people will get to know about your brand. 

2) Cost Difference

The cost of advertising on Google and Facebook varies depending on several factors. However, in general, Google tends to be more expensive than Facebook. The average CPC on Google is $2.69, and the average CPC on Facebook is as low as $0.45 per click. Looking at these prices you might have already decided that Facebook is a better option, but one should keep in their mind that clicks on Google are most likely to bring you sales sooner or later, as your ads are shown when someone is looking for something specific. 

3) User’s Intent 

One of the main differences between Google and Facebook is users on Google are actively searching for something, while users most users on Facebook are scrolling down casually

Facebook is a social platform, people see everything in general on Facebook, and people use it to relax mostly. 

Google is a search engine that people use to search for something specific, so there is a higher chance that someone will buy something if they are looking for it.

4) Targeting options

Facebook allows you to get target specific with ads, on what type of audience you want. On the other hand, Google ads are keyword related. Everyone who types the keyword will see your ad. Well, mostly it is relevant to the people, as they are searching for it, but Facebook in this scenario comes out on top of what type of audience you want your brand to be known.

5) Ad Formats 

One of the main differences between these two platforms is ad format. Google ads are simply plain text with your website linked, Facebook ads are more attractive and catch the viewer’s eye. Facebook ads can be more creative. You can add text, pictures, and videos that can drag the user’s attention. 


While all of this mentioned, it mostly depends on what is your campaign’s objective. If you want to sell your products then again, Google is the way to go. But if you want your brand to be popular and known to the people, then there is no better marketing platform than Facebook.

Lastly, If you need help with Facebook ads, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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