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marketing ai | ai marketing impact

Do you know about Turva’s deployment of JennyBot which led to the making of Teppo? It is an efficient chatbot that facilitates 24/7 client service management. Teppo produced amazing outcomes, including a 363% surge in chat availability, conserving 73 hours approx. each month. Moreover, the chatbot managed 2040 out of 2400 customer discussions. It is a classic example of conversational AI marketing.

What is Conversational AI Marketing?

Conversational AI is a marketing strategy that involves the use of chatbots and artificial intelligence to develop meaningful interactions between firms and target audiences. The process is dynamic and multi-purpose, using a variety of channels like chatbots, live chat sessions, virtual assistants, and voice assistants.

Conversational AI works with machine learning techniques, natural language processing, and natural language generation. These tools help the machine to understand data, recognize linguistics, and create responses to related queries. According to research, the global conversational AI market size is forecasted to attain $29.8 billion by 2028.

AI Role in Conversational Marketing

Artificial intelligence’s role in developing communication among employees, client-users, and personnel is nothing short of exemplary. With regards to conversational marketing, AI can analyze customer preferences, purchase history, and other aspects to offer tailored product approvals. Moreover, it can optimize the sales funnel by automating lead generation and executing drip campaigns.

1. Customer Support & Service

Conversational AI can work as a reliable support assistance, engaging with prospects and clients amiably. It can initiate discussions, ask queries, and render information. AI chat bots can identify potential prospects and guide them through the process.

2. Personalized Recommendations & Suggestions

Conversational AI chat bots can analyze buying history, customer preferences, and browsing behavior. Firms can improve upselling opportunities for higher revenues and productivity. Besides offering pertinent recommendations on products or services, chat bots can function with a dynamic loop that permits learning from user interactions and responses.

3. Interactive Content Delivery

Using conversational AI in your marketing strategy can ensure high engagement and leads. AI chat bots can provide interactive content, such as advertisements, surveys, and more, forming two-way communication with prospects/clients. In addition, it can reduce wait times and provide quick solutions.

4. SMM, E-commerce & Chatbot Integration

Artificial intelligence can incorporate SM platforms for better analysis and responses. By opting for platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, businesses can offer reliable information and nurture trust with their consumers. Concerning the e-commerce industry, virtual shopping assistants are preferred by online buyers to guide them on their shopping journey. These chat bots can imitate the experience of a salesperson and provide valuable suggestions based on historical and current data.

5. Customer Feedback 

Gathering, assimilating, and distributing data across various marketing channels is a part of conversational AI. It functions on NLP and algorithms to propel its working mechanism for better results. Surveys and questionnaires can also be inducted into the flow, allowing companies to gain data in a synchronized manner. Lastly, conversational AI can identify areas for improvement and manage accordingly.

6. Sentiment Analysis

Managing emotional-driven content is a tough ask for AI, especially with the lack of human abilities to confront people and carry out discussions. On the contrary, the introduction of complex algorithms can help chat bots and virtual assistants achieve the inevitable. The sentiments are divided into three categories, namely positive, negative, and neutral.  

Conversational AI is a part of everyone’s life, especially those who buy online. Want to join the AI revolution and learn about it?



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