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What is the role of social media in customer service? How to effectively use social media for lead generation?

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Social media has proved to be revolutionary for marketing. It has abundantly benefitted the field of marketing by providing ample opportunities for attracting attention to the product or service. So, how exactly does social media help in marketing? 

The role of social media

“Customer service” refers to the support provided by a company to its customers before and often after the purchase. This can include plans, offers, incentives, troubleshooting problems, responding to complaints and questions, etc. 

Customer service over social media has plenty of advantages over traditional ways of customer service. Not only it reserves money and resources usually spent on contacting the customer through landlines and other means, it also saves lots of time. It also eases things up at the customer’s end, as it makes the brand more accessible, taking into consideration how standard social media is in this age and time. 

Now that you’re familiar with the benefits of powerful social media in marketing. How do you effectively utilize these given opportunities? 

So here’s:

How to effectively use social media for lead generation:

  1. Ads

Just like the old ways, Advertisements are a crucial part of marketing on social media as well. However, there are a bunch of things to consider now while crafting an ad: First, they should be targeted; secondly, make sure the best of the offers are placed in the ads. It is essential that ads reach the targeted audience, so the algorithm could be of great help here. The more targeted your ads are, the more chances they’ll be recommended to the right users. On the other hand, putting forward compelling offers out there could really step up your game. How do you identify the potential in your offers? The more it benefits the customer, the more they’re likely to consider it. 

  1. Pre-populated forms

Pre-populated forms are generously advantageous as they make customer analysis, somewhat 2x easier and quicker. Customer analysis could not only help you identify the improvements required in your product or service without any loss but also assists you in making suitable ads, For example, knowing the age group of the consumers, could help you craft appropriate ads. 

  1. Sponsorships

Sponsorship is basically using the “influence” of the influencers, to make your brand known, rather than filling people’s Instagram feeds with Ads. Sponsorship is actually a genius way of grabbing the attention of the leads, not by advertising independently, but instead through the content, they are already interested in. 

  1. Know the drama 

Social listening is extremely important when you’re a part of social media. Any minute your product can either get popular, or boycotted depending on whether it is the one being canceled, or its alternative. Furthermore, knowing what the hype is about could benefit you in multiple ways. I mean imagine, if you are selling same popular product in a cheaper price, but it’s rather a failure for you due to your lack of advertisements caused by your ignorance of the social drama. 

  1. Showcasing testimonials

Testimonials are proof of customer satisfaction. Therefore, showing them builds a sense of trust, and thus provides the potential customer a reason to prefer your brand over others. Thus generating more leads through making your product known, and trustworthy since according to wyzwoul people are more likely to buy stuff from a site after watching a testimonial.  

  1. Customer service

Customer service is one of the most impactful aspects of marketing, as it is responsible for your brand’s impression over the customers. Since an insight by xm institute qualities shows that 94% of customers tend to recommend a brand whose service is “very good.”

Apart from that it is also one of the many ways to provide information regarding your product or services. Good customer service could own a few of these attributes:

  • Quick reply (could be done by the automation of the responses)
  • Politeness 
  • Cooperation 

And many more. 

  1. Referral programs 

Referral programs are word-of-mouth advertising tactic that encourages customers to recommend your brand, rather than providing good feedback. They’re one of the most effective techniques of attracting leads out there. 

Lastly, If you need help regarding social media, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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