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What are the top social media marketing trends to watch for in the upcoming year?

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Social media is forever evolving. Every day we wake up to a few trends. These trends do not appear out of the blue or are completely unpredictable. You can know what to expect even without a fortune teller! All you need is the right data and the knowledge of how to analyze that data for good! This data includes consumer preference, combining performance and behavioral patterns.

We and our team has assessed and analyzed this ‘data’ and were able to do this work of prediction for you! So, here is a list of trends you should be expecting this year!

Investment in video content will increase greatly:

Videos are the easiest way to communicate your message and leave a greater impression than writing a long post about it which most people will probably skip. 

Any forward-thinking company will be more than willing to equip itself with the best video production tools and makers. It’s high time to start discussing your video marketing strategies for the year with your team and recruit new members with knowledge of it if needed!

Authentic content will rule:

Instead of copy-pasting whatever your competition does, stand out and provide ‘original’ content. Stand out in the sea of copycats! Repeated content is totally on its way out in 2023 and saves you from being wiped out by this trend, producing real and relatable stuff.

Original and authentic content will set you apart from the rest and more people will be able to recognize you for the stuff you did alone! People are appreciating authenticity and will surely continue to do so this year!

Social media  will be the customer care platform:

Most people find it convenient to communicate with a brand through a hustle-free job of simply dm-ing the company. Many businesses have already incorporated social media in their strategy as their customer service provider. Usually, AI is given the task of repetitive automated responses that are personalized and get to customers in time. 

This year as well, DM for customer care will trend! SO equip yourself with a good customer service representative or an AI.

Educational content is the new entertainment:

Educational content has been up-soaring since last years. Many brands experimented with it and were able to succeed in getting more ‘save’. Hence, the educational content is proven to save worthy.

You can jump on this bandwagon by producing content helpful to your audience such as detailed information or even hacks!

Social searches will rule out search engines:

Many surveys are conducted regarding this topic and most conclusions were that people search for brands on social media more than on search engines. So make sure to add relevant keywords and hashtags in your posts, and keep the same username across all the platforms.

“Social media is more like a telephone than a television”- Amy Jo Martin.


Trends are the spices for the constantly changing landscape of social media and also an opportunity to increase your brand awareness. If you want to learn more about how you can follow these trends and create a strategy, head over to and book yourself a free consultation call.



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