
Unlocking the power of AI and machine learning in marketing.

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Strategy inn

Data analysis, critical thinking, and decision-making require a lot of skills and time to make it right. AI has shortened the duration of doing this work with its machine learning. AI can analyze loads of data in a matter of seconds and help you make a well-informed decision. In marketing, AI has been able to craft content that is personalized and in accordance with a very specific target audience, all by simply studying the data and identifying patterns in consumer behavior and preferences. This in return, brings you engagement and conversions.

Applications of AI in marketing:

1. It tells you which product is likely to sell.

AI uses a customer’s purchase history and browsing behavior to tell you what products of your business they might be interested in. The products which fit right with their interest. You can use this information to create a marketing campaign tailored accordingly and targeting that specific audience.

“Predicting the future isn’t magic, it’s artificial intelligence”– Dave waters.

2. It creates personalization:

AI uses its machine learning algorithms to make marketing campaigns personalized. These campaigns are more relatable individually and target an audience with specific needs and interests.  This can include follow-ups post purchases, personalized emails, product recommendations, etc.

3. It can serve as customer support:

AI can save the effort of managing the socials of a brand and work as customer support efficiently by helping with automating repetitive tasks such as replying to a customer’s query. It will also aid in improving user experience when the responses are timely and accurate. 

4. It can create great content:

Content creation requires loads of brainstorming and work. AI can do this for you easily with just a few inputs and it will surely deliver you something even better than what you envisioned. This can save you time and effort which you can use in places where your utmost attention is required.

For example, there are some tools that help you generate an image using the prompts that you enter. You can use these in your blogs and landing pages as these prompt-generated images will be more relevant and fit correctly. 


Almost 30% of the companies have incorporated machine learning in at least one of their marketing strategies. 

AI is a powerful tool and when used right it can boost your marketing like nothing before. It can complete huge loads of tasks in a quarter of the time or even less! It can provide you with more logical and reliable options and make decisions a lot easier for you. It is a tool meant to assist you and can surely cut your workload. 
For more information regarding AI, make sure to check our website https://strategyinn.com/



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