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The Impact of Product Reviews on E-commerce Sales

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Online shopping ever since introduced is constantly growing, with over 2.14 billion online shoppers worldwide. It has provided ease of access to buy anything from anywhere.
When people shop online, they have no idea about the product quality and have to rely on the experience of other past buyers or take the risk of trying it out themselves. For this risk to be minimal, product rating and review system is introduced. Product review is a friendly gesture among the buyers to encourage or beware others to buy or ignore the product and has a great impact on that product sales. Following are some of the impacts product reviews can have on e-commerce sales

1: Reputation
Product reviews can affect your product or brand’s reputation in both good and bad ways. If your product has good reviews, more people will prefer your product over the others. On the other hand, if it has bad reviews, people are more likely to ignore your product. People tend to share their experiences with others, and if they feel like your product is underwhelming, they will share it with others, and if it keeps going on, most people will avoid your product for a better one.
2: Conversion Rate
A product with better reviews is more likely to be sold than the other one. Better product reviews can help you achieve more monthly sales and generate better revenue. Focusing on your product’s quality and feedbacks can help you attract more buyers and get a better conversion rate. The presence of reviews on a product page reassures the customer and encourages them to purchase the product. This relates the product reviews directly to the conversion rate.
3: Increased Traffic to your online store
Reviews can have a positive impact on search engine optimization. Having good product ratings will increase your search engine rank, as more people will be active on your page, increasing the traffic, and more traffic provides a better rank in search engines. Google also prefers trusted and authentic material over branded promotional content. Thus having better ratings on your product will rank you higher in SEO ranking, which will eventually increase online traffic on your webpage.
4: Trust and Credibility
A product with high ratings and great reviews can create your product’s reliability among the customers. Customers are skeptical and are mostly not convinced by the product’s description and images. Seeing other people’s experiences with your product will build trust between your store and the customer about the product quality and will convince them to buy your product if it has good reviews.
5: Customer Loyalty
If someone sees great reviews about your product, they will be encouraged to buy, and once they buy the product and your product lives up to the hype, they will come back to buy other things from your store too. They might also recommend others to buy your product, and this could increase your monthly sales. Product reviews are not directly related to customer loyalty but can happen after one’s experience.

Product reviews can change the trajectory of your business’s success. It encourages or discourages the customer to purchase your product or not. Focusing on your product’s quality and receiving better reviews can boost your sales. Using bad reviews to work on your product or service can help you improve your final product and attract more customers.
Lastly, If you need any help wiith your E-commerce business, feel free to approach us. We are excited to help you grow. You can contact us at



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