
how to use Google Analytics to track and analyse website traffic.

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Unlock the Power of Website Analytics with Google Analytics: Discover How to Track and Analyze Your Website Traffic for Free!

Tired of making quality content, yet not getting enough traffic? We can help you with that.

Brainstorming and creating great content every now and then is a struggle itself. 

But what if you could study your audience after posting any content, see how they react to a specific type of content and then strike a strategy to create more content of that particular type which received a better response in terms of viewing page or visiting your website? This will surely cut your load down and even bring more traffic! It’s a win-win situation.

This job is primarily done by web analytics.

What is Web analytics and how does it help?

Web analytics is the observation of the traffic’s behavior. It keeps a watch on the how well your page is doing. It provides information such as number of people who viewed the page or the bounce back rate to help you get grip of the audience’s desire and understand which content does better for you. 

It provides with all the necessary statistics that you can use to make your website and content, more user friendly. It will collect, report and analyze data which is used to determine the success or failure of the goals. Using it, you can improve your site and draft better strategies. 

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Web analytics will help you:

  • Find retaining customers 
  • Understanding users and their needs
  • Monitor what products are likely to be sold
  • Drive better strategies 
  • Monitor on which locations is your product or content doing well
  • Save time on quality research 
  • Reduce business risk 

There are many web analytics tools that can be found online. Some of them are even free of cost, but of course have their limitations. Some of the free ones are:

  1. Smartlook
  2. Google analytics 
  3. Clicky 
  4. Clarity
  5. Woopra 

How to put web analytic tools like google analytics in use to track user behavior:

Following is the breakdown of things that can be found on google web analytics dashboard. You can use them to monitor and track user behavior, and then make contents and strategies accordingly.

Behavior flow:

It shows you the user’s journey from the moment they land on your page to the time they exit. It shows visuals of the buyer journey and give complete information about it. Such as, you landed on your page and stayed till the ‘Thank you’ page or how many navigated through the home and contact pages.

Using behavior flow, you will get a good idea of where does the traffic mostly lie, be it home page or landing page. You can then place your CTA and interlinks accordingly.

Behavior flow can be found by clicking ‘behavior’ in google analytics and then selecting ‘behavior flow’.

User explorer:

User explorer shows individual user’s journey. Each user that visited you site is identified by a client ID and a whole timeline of them while they used your site is shown.

With user explorer you can find the source of traffic, the time a particular user spent on your site device they used, when did they first or last visit your site, etc. 

User explorer can be found by clicking ‘Audience’ in google analytics and then selecting ‘User explorer’.


This one, in particular, helps you understand your audience. For this, you will have to create an audience in the admin. It can be of any type that you wish to study, such as the ones that visited your website more than once. Once the audience starts to populate, you will able to see comprehensive statistics on them explaining their demographics, devices, traffic sources, browser, etc.

Audiences can be found by clicking ‘Audience’ in google analytics and then selecting ‘Audiences’

Site search:

For site search, enable site tracking and you will have an access to what people browse at your site. This way, you can know their preferences and create content more appealing to them.

Site search can be found by clicking ‘Behavior in google analytics and then selecting ‘Site search’.

Traffic sources:

Traffic sources explain where do people find your website from. It can be through referral links, typing bout he address, clicking on your socials, etc. It also lets you know about who bookmarked your site or typed your domain name and searched.

Traffic sources can be found by clicking ‘Acquisitions’  in google analytics and then selecting ‘All traffic’ and finally ‘channels’

Bounce rates, pages/ sessions, average session duration:

Bounce rate means when a user opens a single page and exits shortly.

Page views means the number of pages visited in a single visit.

Average session duration is length of time spent by a user on your site in a single visit.

To find this section, navigate to ‘Audience’ then ‘overview’

Landing and exit pages:

Landing and exit pages are the first and last pages of your site, respectively. Analyzing User’s journey on these pages will help you optimize the content better.

To find this section, go to ‘behavior’ then ‘site content’. Select landing page/exit page.


Google web analytics will help you understand you audience and identify your areas of improvement. When used correctly, it can help to you generate a handsome audience. You can optimize and create better content which is more relevant to you audience and in return, get a broader viewership. 

For more details, make sure to visit our site https://strategyinn.com/



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