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How to use Facebook Ads to build your Email list 

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

start your business you need to promote it to grow. Of all the marketing techniques available

When you start your business you need to promote it to grow. Of all the marketing techniques available, one of the most effective is Email marketing. Email marketing is simply sending a commercial through an email, telling people about your brand or product. To start with email marketing you need to have an email list. Here we will discuss how to use Facebook ads to build your email list. 

How to Use Facebook Ads Guide Here

1) Create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is a special deal offered to a customer in exchange for their contact details. With people receiving so many marketing emails each day, you need to sell something similar to the product or service without financial exchange. It can be a discount code, webinar, white paper, ebook, template, or another resource. To gain access to the things you offer, a person must provide their email. 

2) Set up a Facebook ad campaign

How to use Facebook Ads: When it comes to generating leads Facebook offers two options: conversions and lead generation. You want your audience to take action when they open your ad, so you should go with the conversion objective. But if you don’t have a website, go with the lead generation objective. Make sure your target audience has already interacted with your brand because they might decline

3) Create an engaging ad

Create an ad that specifies the benefits of using your lead magnet. Make it eye-catching, which attracts people and encourages them to enter their email. Give them an offer that sounds good to a user scrolling down. If someone likes anything, they are going to follow it to keep updated on it. Making your lead magnet look like a good deal is important in your ad.

4) Target your audience 

Narrow down your target audience to a specific age group, gender, interests, and other traits that make them relevant to your business. Narrowing down your target audience will help you to show your ad to those who are most likely to provide their email on your lead magnet. 

5) Follow up with an email sequence

Once people have signed up for lead magnet, follow them up with multiple emails related to their interests, which makes you more relevant to them. You’ll want to set up an automated nurture sequence to move the relationship forward so that once the lead magnet or offer has been delivered, the subscriber will receive another more detailed email. Send them offers you think are reasonable to make them follow your business.

6) Test and Optimize

Track your ad performance and see what adjustments are needed to attract more and more people. See how many people ignored it, and what think what is the reason they ignored it. Eliminate those things which make them walk away, and try to keep them focused and make your deal appealing. 


Promoting your business with email marketing is a direct way of acquiring people’s attention. With the number of marketing emails these days in people’s inboxes, it can be challenging to make people subscribe, or provide their emails. Making an email list through a Facebook ad is a smart way to build your email list, and following these steps will make it more efficient. 

Lastly, If you need help with Facebook ads, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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