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How to track and analyze your Facebook Ad campaign

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Over time the rate at which social media grows has increased dramatically. With more and more users joining social media platforms, marketing on social media started to carve its way into the market and has proven to bring results. Among all the social media platforms, there is no better place for marketing than Facebook due to its massive user base.

Starting a Facebook Ad campaign to promote your business can drag people’s attention toward your business, but in order to make sure your ad campaign performs wonders, you need to track your ad campaign. For you to have a successful ad campaign, tracking and analyzing the output of each campaign and making changes depending on the analysis will help you overcome your low traffic and other marketing problems by taking the right measures. In this article, we will discuss how you can track your ad campaign. 

1: Setup Facebook Pixel

Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by tracking the actions people take on your website. When you set up Facebook Pixel, you can track actions taken on a website, such as purchases, signups and downloads. Facebook Pixel also lets you make changes to your ads, by grouping the audience or selecting your target audience.

2: Monitor your engagement rate

Engagement metrics are the direct indicator of how the user reacted to your ad, like the number of reacts, comments and shares. It is also effective with the Facebook algorithm. When your ad has a higher number of engagements, it signals to the Facebook algorithm that your ad is worth viewing, so your ad is shown to more people on Facebook. 

3: Use Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager is an ad management tool to make, edit and analyze paid promotional campaigns on Facebook. It is an all-in-one tool for creating ads, managing where they will run, and tracking how well your ad campaigns are performing. Once you set up the ad manager, you will see the in-depth analytics and performance of your ad campaign. With the ad manager, you can get detailed information about your audience, and you can edit or create a new ad within the app. 

4: Analyze Metrics

Even after doing all the things above, you won’t have a clear idea of how well is your ad performing, until you analyze metrics. While there are many metrics one should analyze while running your ad campaign, here are some with more importance. 

  1. Click-Through Rate: Click-through rate is the number of times people saw your article and opened the link. A higher number of CTR shows that your ad is attracting the audience, and they find it appealing enough to click and open it. 
  2. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate is the number of times a specific action was completed by the user. For example, if you have specified conversion as purchasing and someone purchases through your ad, that is one conversion. 
  3. Cost Per Click: It is the cost you pay to Facebook, for someone to click on your ad. A low CPC is a good thing, as it is getting you more clicks on less budget.
  4. Return on Ad Spend: It is simply, how much revenue you generate by spending on Facebook ads. A higher ROAS means your ads are generating more income. 


To wind it up, analyzing and tracking your ads on Facebook will help you to fix your problems and can bring in good profit or popularity. Facebook is a great place for online marketing, but it can’t bring success to your business only because of ads. You have to track, analyze and correct your mistakes every time you start a marketing campaign. 

Lastly, If you need help with Facebook ads, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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