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How To Immerse Your Customers in Your Brand: Interactive and Immersive Marketing Experiences.

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Providing good customer service is crucial these days. It can lead to either keeping or losing your customers. According to a study, 93% of consumers would repurchase from a brand that provided exceptional and up-to-the-mark customer service. 

Immersive marketing is one of the many ways discovered by marketers to make the participant feel what is presented and enhance their user experience. It is one step further and provides multisensory interactions that a customer has with a brand. These interactions occur through

  • Screen-based experiences 
  • Natural interface
  • Virtual and reality-based experiences 

Immersing a customer simply means making them more involved and having a higher user experience by getting a better sense of the product. The immersive experience competes to meet human senses and create a lookalike reality. For e.gVR headset.

Types of immersion:

They are of three basic categories:

Tactical immersion:

This immersion focuses on the sense of touch and makes you feel artificial vibrations whenever you touch an object to increase user experience. However, it hasn’t been explored much yet.

Narrative immersion:

This type of immersion includes using a story as a strategy to hook the audience and increase the chances of a potential purchase. The story is detailed enough to make them feel and visualize effectively. 

Sight immersion:

This immersion includes incorporating a VR that can explain product features. It will be permanently imprinted in your customer’s mind and increase the chances of engagement.

How can you benefit from customer immersion?

Compels users to make a purchase.

Since immersion will give a good sense of how the product functions in real life, it makes it easier to make a decision. 

Amplifies user experience:

You set realistic expectations and give them a chance to interact. They know what to expect and this will surely assist them in a smooth buyer journey.

Improves loyalty:

Once the user has a great experience, is very likely that they will remain loyal to your brand and stay. 


It’s a great way to make your audience more engaging and earn loyalty. Immerse your customers as much as you can and feel the difference in your conversion rate!To learn more about immersive marketing, contact us at and book yourself a FREE consultation call. Start practicing immersive marketing RIGHT NOW with us!



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