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Beginners Guide to Facebook Ad Campaign 

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

For a very long time, Facebook has been among the most used social media platforms. It has more than 5 billion downloads and 2.963 billion monthly active users. This popularity of Facebook makes it an excellent platform for social media marketing! However, the advertising process could need to be clarified for the newbies. So, here’s a beginner’s guide to the Facebook ad campaign. 

Before learning how your ad reaches the feed of the user, it is crucial to understand what is the advertisement process based on, more precisely, what Facebook looks out for before promoting your product to a user. 

The answer is: user’s demographics, i.e.  Which country do they live in? What are the current interests of the user? Their job, age, etc. 

Now that we know the basis of advertisement, let’s understand how exactly the advertising process of Facebook works. 

Facebook Ad Campaign 

“A campaign is a series of ad sets and ads that aim to accomplish a single objective, such as generating leads or increasing the number of app installs.” – Meta 

So, your ad has to compete with other ads of the same category/goal. 

So, how does this facebook advertising campaign work? Well, here’s the step-by-step guide for the Facebook ad campaign:

  1. First, you select your objective, e.g. app installs, video views, lead generation, etc.
  2. You name the Facebook ad campaign ;
  3. You select your bidding strategy, (It’s recommended to use the given rather than making your own with zero experience);
  4. You participate in the ‘Ad auction’, this is the main event where “…your ads compete with other ads trying to reach the same audience” as the opportunity to advertise your product to a targeted individual appears 

The success rate of winning the auction depends on the “total value” which comprises three things:

  1. The bid: Your budget.
  2. Estimation of Conversion: Probability that the user would perform the required action to provide the desired outcome – the more relevant is the ad to the audience the more likely they would reach the goal.
  3. Ad quality: quite literally, the quality of your ad. 

What is in YOUR control?

There are quite a few things that are in your control that can increase the chances of your goal’s completion. 

Your creativity: This refers to the tactics and strategies you plan and put into action to attract leads, or to accomplish your goal. 

Quality of the ad: The quality can be dependent on multiple factors few of them are format, colors, font, background music, etc. used in your ad. Overall how ‘attractive’ and ‘interesting’ your ad is. 

Clarification of your objectives: It is extremely important to understand your desired outcome before beginning advertising. Being confident in your objective provides you right strategies, and saves you time. 


Now, the most important thing to discuss is the budget. As aforementioned, your budget benefits you in the campaign. Thus, determining your budget wisely is necessary. Your budget constitutes of numerous components. Your budget depends on:

  1. The uniqueness of your audience – the more specifically target your audience is the higher the budget, due to higher competition;
  2. The time span of the Facebook ad campaign;
  3. Value of the lead
  4. Time of the year
  5. Time of the day 
  6. Location of your ad
  7. Campaign objective. 

Appropriation of Advertisements 

Although, by now you’re already aware of the sufficient information you need to acquire to advertise on Facebook. However, before you go on and promote your product, but end up searching “why my business account is no longer allowed to advertise?” Let me inform you that you need to make sure your ad obeys the Facebook ad policies. So, yes, you will have to read that long paragraph of policies you’ve always ignored, for the first time in your life. Good luck advertising! 

Lastly, If you need help with Facebook ads, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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