SEO (search engine optimization) is a strategy including techniques that allow your website to attain higher ranking on search engines. SEO is necessary for organic growth, it helps you attract more traffic on your website while being economical. Learning SEO is easy, but mastering it is an art. There are multiple techniques to rank higher on search engine results. For example, short tail key words, long tail keywords, backlink. SEO can generate two types of traffic depending on genre of your website like generating/diverting traffic or attracting possible clients/customers. But we have compiled one of the most effective techniques that can help you rank higher on search engine and generate organic traffic.
Importance of backlinks
Although having backlinks are not you are in control of, but it is something you can earn. Search engine value backlinks a lot. While ranking websites, backlinks almost acts like a verification of your website, and thus it is entitled a higher rank on the results page.
In order to get backlinks, it’s crucial to generate content that is worthy of being used as a backup in content from other sources, especially the reputable ones.
You might have already heard of adding keywords to your content in order to contain exactly what users may search for, for over a thousand times, but it is important to learn what type of keywords are actually effective for your website. Rather than immediately using the relevant keywords, you should apply different strategies in order to determine its eligibility and align the keywords with the original questions that your content is answering. Once you’ve done your research on the keywords, you should optimize your content based on those keywords.
Placement of keywords
Recommended areas for keywords are:
- Title
- Headings, at least three
- Description
- Image alt text and file name
- The text body
However, over-usage of keywords has its drawbacks too. Therefore, it is important to stay natural and neutral, and remain true to the initial objective through-out your content.
Zero-click search
Zero-click search is an instance, like the name suggests, where the user does not have to click on the page in order to find the answer. Rather, they get the answer directly on the results page. This requires the content of the page to be on to point and severely targeted.
Technical SEO
This involves optimizing the technical aspects of your website. Make sure it is mobile-friendly by not only with the help of Google’s mobile-friendliness checker, but also checking it by yourself; make sure the absence of any indexation issues with the images, and make sure search engines can crawl. In short, diminish as much technical issues as possible.
Learning the use of, and implementing these techniques on your website, you can swiftly, attain a higher ranking on the result page, or even may make come closer to the first page. So here’s a summary of techniques that you can apply to rank higher on search engines:
- Earning backlinks. Make content that can be used as a backup for other content.
- Suitable keywords, and correct placement and usage
- Allowing zero-click instances to take place by making targeted content
- Making sure there are not technical problems