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What is the Importance of Video Content on Social Media?

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what is the impact of social media

Brand and Video Content Importance on Social Media:

Visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared than any other form. Visuals give a better understanding of your content and deliver your message without the use of words. Videos are no exception when it comes to getting more. More than 85% of businesses use videos as their marketing strategy with marketing trends. It is becoming increasingly popular for all the right reasons.

Below is a list of a few reasons to enlighten the importance of videos on social media!

Importance of video content on social media:

An opportunity to tell your story:

Video content provides a chance to tell your brand story to thousands of people at a time. It helps them discover your brand’s true roots and the message it gives. It builds an emotional connection with your audience and even leads to generating retaining or loyal customers. It’s more likely that people will take out time to watch a touching story.


Once you are connected with your audience on that level of emotions, you can easily make your brand personal to them. By showing them the foundation of your brand and what it values, you humanize your brand which will create trust and reliability between you and your customers.

An example of such videos is ‘behind-the-scenes’ videos which help you include your audience in your process and encourage engagement. 

Impressive ROI:

Videos are more comprehensive and more people are likely to prefer them over reading plain text. Investment in videos is undeniably fruitful. It can really increase your ROI impressively by converting visitors to customers.

Increases brand awareness:

Uploading video content will increase the visibility of your brand. More people will know about your brand and get information regarding it easily. That’s the biggest perk of video content, it delivers more information in less time. More people will watch it and it will greatly aid in increasing brand awareness.

Follow all the relevant trends by creating videos and taking part in them. Add the trend’s hashtag and test different techniques. Trending content has a high probability of getting you more reach. It will be viewed by a broader range of audience and help you achieve your marketing goals.


Lastly, your content should be relevant and transparent. Your audience should be able to relate to it in order to engage. Using videos in your social media content will build a good foundation of trust.

“Stop thinking of ‘Video Marketing’ as this separate entity that is optional for your business. Video is an effective form of communication that needs to be integrated into each and every aspect of your existing marketing efforts.” – James Wedmore

Lastly, we are happy to assist you if you need any help regarding your social media marketing strategy. Just simply head over to our site and book yourself a FREE consultation call.



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