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How To  Build Authentic Relationships with Your Customers Using Influencer marketing?

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Here is how you can build a connection with your customers.

Influencer marketing is growing increasingly popular and is expected to become a $10 billion industry by the end of this year. It has its own success and cautionary tales. It has given rise to various influencer-focused agencies that are business driven and continue to grow in this industry. However, many such agencies and brands fail to incorporate the most essential element to success while working on influencer marketing I.e., building relationships with the influencer, or indirectly with the target audience.

Building relationships is a key to success when it comes to marketing, and an Influencer is just the person for this job. But unfortunately, many brands fail to keep up the relationship or maintain their fundamental values and increasing their chances of losing partnerships to their competitor. It is essential to build a good connection in influencer marketing if you aim to be triumphant in marketing your product/ service. Here is how you can do it.

How to build brand-influencer relationships?

Building a relationship with your influencer will then build an indirect relationship with your target audience. A good connection will make it easier for you to reach your goals. A few basics to building a better relationship are:

1. Don’t rush it.

No professional or personal relationship can be built in an instant. It takes time and effort, just like your personal relationship. Give it time to breathe. Don’t expect it to develop overnight. You can start by checking in or sharing your brand’s developments. 

2. Don’t approach for work only.

You don’t want to come as someone who only approaches to get their work done. We all have one such ‘friend’ and you don’t have to become one. Be consistent with your efforts. Think of them as friends and keep up with them if they are not currently working on a project. Be genuine. 

3. Say thanks often.

Notice their efforts and show them that they haven’t gone unnoticed. Appreciate them for the time and effort they pour in. One way to do so is by thanking them for the services they provide. Trust me, a little gratitude goes a long way. 

4. Meet in person:

Lastly, meeting in person can make it easier to build connections. This might not always be possible, but you can make a little effort and arrange a small get-to-gather sort of small event for the influencers you are working with and get to know each of them face-to-face. 

Now that you know how you can initiate a good connection with your influencer, here’s how it will benefit you in the long run.

Benefits of relationships in influencer marketing.

Customer retention:

When you build a smooth relationship with your target audience through an influencer, it’s most likely that they will stay and come back for you. They will want to keep ties with your business. This will greatly increase the amount of retaining customers for your brand.

Reach relevant audience:

When you are marketing to a specific group of people who are already inclined and interested in the kind of product you are offering, it’s a high probability that they will be your customer. If you are able to build a good relationship with your influencer, it will benefit you in the form of a fan base for your product. The influencers will make sure that the product is well promoted from their end amongst their followers.

Gain the trust of your audience:

We humans with deep tribal instincts trust people with their recommendations and experiences. We believe if someone had a good experience with something, it’s likely that we will have the same experience too. Based on this, we take a lot of actions. Such as, buying stuff online on the basis of good reviews. Similarly, an Influencer helps to spread the good word about you. It acts like a vocal testimony in favor of your brand. An influencer from the relevant industry can help you gain the trust of your target audience. A genuine connection will motivate them to share your brand message directly with the audience. 

“Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend”-Mark Zuckerberg.

Creating new connections:

Having a good relationship with one influencer can get you connected to several other relevant influencers that can help with your cause and promote your brand to their separate follower lists. This could do wonders in building and propagating your brand image and brand awareness. 

Final thoughts:

You are now well aware of how having a good relationship with your customers can work out in your favor. If you are an influencer marketing agency, focus on building authentic relationships. Choose your relevant influencer wisely before investing and make sure they align with your brand message. 

Lastly, to get more guidance on similar topics head over to our blog at



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