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How to Streamline Your Marketing Efforts and Save Time By Market Automation.

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

Marketing automation is basically using AI tools to automate repetitive tasks and processes of marketing. These tools for marketing automation take away your responsibilities and burden of marketing tasks, such as email marketing and social media campaigns, and give you ample time to focus on other creative and time-demanding strategies for your business. Marketing automation systems can increase your revenue, generate leads, and keep your marketing on track.  All just by giving each of your subscribers a distinctive and ideal user experience. 

What Artificial intelligence tools you can use for marketing automation:

There are abundant free and paid tools to help you with marketing automation. Here are our top four suggestions!

  • Marketo: Creates focused marketing campaigns after deep analysis of customer behavior. It communicates with customers via email.
  • Drip: This is especially helpful for small businesses.  It offers multi-channel marketing from a solo platform.
  • Pardot: This tool is essential for big businesses. It creates email marketing campaigns and rings insights into your ROI and quality analytics.
  • HubSpot: This tool provides track metrics and marketing processes to help create targeted campaigns.

These tools, including the rest available online, will automate the marketing tasks and provide insights into your strategy. These insights will help you decide if that marketing automation content was worth creating or if someone is no longer interested in your services and you need to form a new strategy.

The tools will also provide you with metrics such as conversion rates, lead volume, and quality. They can also run surveys with your potential customers and gather their input. This way they only send messages to those who are interested, the relevant target audience.

“You are either the one who creates automation or you are getting automated”-Tom Preston Werner

Here is how you can succeed using marketing automation systems.

1. Automated email sequences:

Get an AI tool to craft email sequences designed for the audience interested in your product.

2. Personalized emails:

Personalization is a default standard in today’s world. Engage with your subscribers using personalized emails. Make them feel noticed and appreciated with automation.

3. Follow-up messages:

Follow-up messages can help to bring customers as sometimes we tend to delay decisions and then eventually forget, a follow-up message will help to remind them and potentially make them your customer.

4. Share blog posts:

Using market automation tools, you can promote your blog posts by automatically sharing them on your social media as soon as you upload them.

5. Get responses from subscribers with autoresponders:

With autoresponders addressing your subscribers’ queries and concerns, you can accumulate the responses and use them to improve your product and customer experience.

Final thoughts:

Using marketing automation can be highly beneficial. It saves loads of your time and the effort of doing everything manually. You can achieve amazing results in ROI improvement in less time. You can get better at targeting audiences and personalized campaigns. Use automation tools now and reap the benefits.

To get more information on AI tools, contact us at Strategy inn and book a consultation call.



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