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10 Best Practices for Building a Successful E-Commerce Website

Strategy inn

Strategy inn

E-Commerce websites have certainly made a place to become one of the most effective methods to make money online. It is continuously growing for the past few years, with a study showing E-commerce industry is growing 23% each year. At the rate at which the industry is growing, the competition keeps on increasing, and it can be challenging for your store to stand out among all this competition. But more competition doesn’t mean you can’t be successful, and this applies to your e-commerce store too. Here are 10 best practices you can follow to have a successful e-commerce website. 

1: User-Friendly Design

Creating a simple and dynamic UI design for your website is one of the first few steps. No one likes complicated websites. Your website should be easy to navigate and appealing to the eyes. Having this UI design will not push customers away from your site but encourage them to stay. 

2: Mobile Responsiveness

In the modern day world where almost everyone has a mobile phone, a website that is not mobile responsive is not worth it. Creating a mobile responsive website will allow more people to visit your store, increasing the probability of more sales.

3: Payments Security 

Creating an e-commerce website without a secure payment option is almost useless. Providing a safe and sound transaction platform for your website will build trust between the customer and the store. Adding a renowned payment platform like PayPal to your website will enhance the customer’s shopping experience on your website, which is essential for an e-commerce website. 

4: Image Quality 

Just like in real life, in an online store, the customer likes to have a clear look at the product before purchasing to be completely aware of the product they are buying. Uploading high-quality crystal clear pictures of your product with multiple angles will give the customer a good idea of the product he is buying, which can give him the boost they need to purchase if they want to buy. Even if they didn’t, it will leave a good impact, and they might return to make the purchase. 

5: Detailed Product Description

Adding high-quality images of the product isn’t enough to convince someone to buy your product. Giving a detailed and clear description of your product with all the positives will convince the possible customer to make the purchase. 

6: SEO Optimization

Most people use the search engine to look for whatever they need. If someone looks for the product you have on your store, but your website is ranked lower, rarely someone scrolls deep down. Having a higher-ranked SEO website that includes rich keywords will rank up your website and increase the odds of more traffic. 

7: Social Media

Create a social media page for your website. Having a social media account of a brand increases the buyer’s trust and proves your store to be legit rather than an unknown store that nobody has heard of. Buyers’ trust is essential for the success of an e-commerce website. 

8: Customer Service 

Creating a platform for the customers to deal with the issues related to your product and store will also enhance the user’s experience. Cooperating with the customers and solving their problems is essential for the growth of your store. 

9: Ratings and Reviews

Adding the option of ratings and reviews of your product will enhance the user experience. People like to know about the product from other people’s experiences. Having higher product ratings will improve your store’s reliability. 

10: Analytics and Changes 

Track your website’s performance and decide what to change. Use analytics tools to track traffic, conversions, and behaviors and make changes to improve your sales strategy. 

Winding up 

Creating a successful E-commerce website requires dedication and smart measures. With the competition this big today, implementing these steps will help grow your brand reputation and buyers’ trust, and uplift your sales. A well-optimized e-commerce site can boost your business, and you just learned a few tips that can help you achieve that goal. 

Lastly, If you need help with E-coomerce, we at strategy inn are happy to help. Contact us at



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